Suction dredge mining
Suction dredge mining

suction dredge mining

Many of California’s suction dredgers do their thing along the Klamath River just south of the Oregon border. Led by the Klamath River’s Karuk Tribe, the drive to end the practice has resulted in litigation and a new California law which bans suction dredge mining in California until the Department of Fish and Game completes and environmental review of the practice and issues new regulations. Those who oppose the practice say that it harms salmon runs. The increase in “recreational” dredge mining in Southern Oregon this time, however, is also related to a successful drive by a coalition of tribes and environmentalists to end the practice of suction dredge mining in California.

suction dredge mining suction dredge mining

Suction dredges on the Scott River, a major Klamath River tributary

Suction dredge mining